Publisher Discovery

"Publisher Discovery is a late-stage SaaS startup in the affiliate advertising sector. We have managed to be successful by having a very focussed team in which every member has an active role in the product. We wouldn't have been able to grow this team without the help of techfolk. They are very proactive in their brief, and often help us to better understand our own requirements. When specifying new roles, techfolk's experience in the market is invaluable, and it shows in the quality of the candidates that techfolk bring to us. I have previously used techfolk at a different business, and it is their commitment to easing the hiring process, and bringing us only quality candidates, which has led us to engage exclusively with techfolk when growing our team."


We've supported Publisher Discovery since 2020, hiring skills spanning full-stack (React, TypeScript, Node.js, Postgres), and data engineering (Python, asyncio, big data and GCP). 

Together we've enabled Publisher Discovery to build out a high quality product, hiring key engineering team members who have progressed within the business and helping build out all-new products to maximise commercial opportunity, while entering a new chapter of enhanced efficiency, automation and maturity.

Rob Haswell, CTOPublisher Discovery